📔 How to register for an account
作成日: 2021/05/24


  • Ticketnote is a free service to record and share your programming learning.
  • Anyone with a Google account can sign up for this service.
  • Since we recommend using a PC browser, the following procedures are explained using it.
    • You can also register from a mobile device by following the same procedure.

Account registration

  • First, click "Login" button in the screen header.

  • Click on "Login" button here, and the following dialog will open.

    • Accept read "Terms of Service" and "Privacy Policy", then click "Login with your Google account".
  • If "Login" is successful, you will be redirected to the following registration screen.

    • Next, enter your name and account ID, and click "Next".
      • name ... Can be changed after registration
      • accountID ... Cannot be changed after registration
  • Next, let's set up your icon image and profile.

    • When you are done, click "Join Ticketnote".
      • icon image ... Can be changed after registration
      • profile ... Can be changed after registration
  • When the following completion screen appears, your account registration is complete.

  • After about three seconds from the above screen, you will be redirected to "My Page".

This completes the registration for your Ticketnote account.

Well then, enjoy your comfortable Ticketnote life!! 👋

Please continue to see this for instructions on how to create a ticket.
